Well folks, it's catch up time again! After ten nice days with Jeanne's daughter and granddaughter in sunny Eastbourne (but no access to wireless or dsl)we arrived "chez nous" in France to two days of rain. No internet at home for another two weeks or so but now limited access at local computer facility. Will put on more photos and news soon but at present snowed under with essential stuff - like unpacking boxes (yes all arrived safely) buying fridge, washing machine etc, and dealing with opening bank account, electric co, telephone, gaz supply etc ......However the sun is now shining, the countryside is beautiful, the French neighbours welcoming and helpful and the house much to our liking. There are of course the usual little snags and necessary improvements one always finds on moving in to a new place - but nothing the dynamic Jeanne and Dan duo can't deal with in time. So we are happy to be here.
Keep watching this space for more news and photos - Jeanne has now got her laptop set up on dsl at the computer facility so when we have a few spare moments (when!)we'll update more fully.